Many saunas that were installed more than a decade ago are still in good working order and still work as well as they could. What is the popularity of saunas? In Finland there are more than 1 million saunas of all sizes serving 5 million Finns. In Europe and the United States, the number of saunas per 100 people is one-tenth of that in Finland. With the development of technology in Japan, the number of saunas in Hong Kong and Taiwan is increasing dramatically, while the number of saunas on the mainland is still very small and has just become popular in the coastal areas. Because of the unique use of sauna and romantic atmosphere, in all parts of the world is becoming a kind of fashion, become a symbol of taste of life, which is also the main reason why sauna is popular all over the world. How much time will it take to enjoy a sauna? Generally speaking, it takes about an hour. How long does it take to reach the right temperature? Set the thermostat at your desired temperature, turn on the switch to warm up for about 30-60 minutes and you and your family can take turns or enjoy together. Where does the heat source for the sauna come from? Usually electricity is used, stoves heated by wood or natural gas are already in the museum. When should I not enjoy a sauna? Do not use the sauna after a heavy meal or if you have a bad cough, and be careful if you have a serious heart condition. How long should I stay in the sauna? The average bather can come out and take a warm shower in 5-10 minutes, or several times if needed, until he or she is completely refreshed. Do I need to rest after the sauna? Yes, start with a cold shower to shrink pores and blood vessels (of course a warm shower is just as good if you prefer), then relax and rest for 5 minutes. Xuzhou four person outdoor sauna contact information What is the function and principle of sauna?